Sunday, June 12, 2011

it sure is a long way up

Top of the mountain!  Looking east!
Rainy saturday morning rides south through dorchester, down along the lovely and scenic neponset river, through milton to the blue hills reservation, and a quick jaunt up the observatory access road on great hill.  the great hill is a mile of an almost straight up climb that twists through the woods above the ski hill.  
some psychos were full on training day and just going up and down, up and down...
for me once was enough, a little rest at the top to drink some rum from a hip flask, check out the view, and then fly down the hill fast and loose.

ski trail.  westerly view.

red line bridge next to the hancock st bridge over the ol neponset rivah kid!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

for those about to ride

i got a new job, working in a factory.  we build bicycles by hand.
this is my workbench, prepping steel and titanium frames for
the paint booth with some filing and blasting.
open the blast doors!

this mean looking machine is the sandblaster!  he mixes high pressure air with little abrasive particles of media to clean up a steel bicycle and make the metal all nice and ready for paint to stick too!
close the blast doors!


this is my "office".  i've grown up and graduated from sitting on a bike saddle all day, and now wear a full body suit and spaceman lookin' helmet to hang out in this cross draft spray booth.
the future!

new toy for some lucky so and so.  carbon fiber tubes, ready to be cut and glued into a super light and stiff bicycle.  read - fast as hell

independent fabrication corvid.
one of the perks of the new gig is gettin' to test ride some crazy high tech bicycle machinery.  this guy is all carbon fiber, weighs less than twenty pounds built, and is so fast it screams up hills.  i rode this from provincetown down to brewster, and back, on ol' cape cod memorial day weekend.
the nicest bike i've ever put between my legs, this shot is at cahoons hollow beach in wellfleet.

yesterday's parties

we salute spending 80 dollars on beer and hotdogs at sporting events.
this was at a bruins game, and we won 4-0 against the blackhawks.
give a stranger a high five!
test riding shiny new bikes at the new amsterdam bike show in new york city.
the best part about the whole bike show was the bar, which featured haggard looking 'gansett girls
serving up ice cold tall boys of narragansett for 25 cents!  

beer for the bike show after party at horse cycles in brooklyn.   the picture barely does it justice, but it took
two grown ass men (myself included) a mighty struggle to wheel that hand-truck to the shop with
seven cases of beer.
we were rewarded handsomely with all the beer we could drink, and since i don't remember leaving the party
or how i got home, it was probably enough.