Tuesday, December 14, 2010

road beers

not a whole lot has been happening out of the ordinary madness that is life on the road lately, so there is no apology from this guy for lack of updates.  
in germany, it is legal to walk around in the streets with an open container, so after the show is over we usually gang up and rove around town looking for an open kabap or chip shop and any interesting bars.  as in the top picture, we found nothing expect this silly sign is essen, and in the bottom picture, in koln,  jonah and i found a netto supermarket that sold off brand jager for 5 euros a bottle.  meisterschutz!!  
most bars wont let us in, being the sketchy foreign long haired rockers that we are, so then we will jam on back to the venue and get wild, racing cardboard boxes and trash barrel rides down staircases and breaking cots that were nicely set up for us to sleep on imitating pro wrestling "top of the ropes" type moves.